Everything you need to know about new or used tankers:
Tankers are trucks with a tank as a superstructure. A basic distinction can be made between fixed tanks and swap-body or demountable tanks, which are either circular, elliptical or box-shaped. This allows liquid goods of all kinds to be transported. In addition to vehicles that are designed purely for transportation, other vehicles may have various additional equipment such as pumps or pressure tanks. These serve to facilitate loading and unloading. The meter is used to precisely record the goods dispensed and a calculation can be made directly on site (heating oil delivery to private households). A receipt is also issued simply, conveniently and securely via the printer and can then be deposited. In contrast to motorized units, trailers and semi-trailers can also be designed as tank containers or can transport one. The areas of use of new and used tankers could hardly be more different. Diesel, crude oil, water (both industrial water and drinking water) and oil (both waste oil and lubricating oil as well as crude oil and heating oil) can be transported. However, this requires different tankers with different equipment and therefore different tank codes for special tanks in accordance with the ADR regulations, specifying their use. Simply let us know your individual intended use and we will certainly find a solution together in the area of used tankers.

We offer you a permanent selection of used tankers as well as tank semi-trailers or tank trailers of various common brands and body manufacturers.

By the way: We specialize in the purchase of all types of tankers (both 3-axle and 2-axle vehicles) and are certainly also looking for your used vehicle. You will be assigned a personal contact person at our company and can therefore keep a close eye on the handling of your used tankers. Sounds simple? Then offer us your used vehicle online or by phone today. 

What is my used tanker still worth when I buy it?